
If you're looking for a social media app that's creating a lot of buzz on the App Store then Parlor, with more than 6 million users on its platform, is probably an app that's crossed your radar. It continues to surprise us with its ongoing success. The apps purpose is simple pick a topic and within seconds you'll be connected to another user who has picked the same topic. Once you talk with the other person, you can then send them a request and ask them to become your friend; Parlor is like a pseudo-dating-chat app, rather than a communication channel. To learn how to install Parlor for iPhone or Android, follow the steps below.


Categorysocial Inc.
SourceAndroid & iOS

Step 1: How to download Parlor App

The download and installation process of the app is quite straightforward. As of press time, the app is only available on Android Play Store and Apple App Store. To download this app, go to your phone-associated app store, and in the search bar type “Parlor”.

If, coincidentally you’re looking for “Parler” and not “Parlor”, then we’ll be up-front and say that you can stop reading here. Both apps are marketed as “social media” apps and are available to download on Android and iOS, which may (will) be a cause for confusion.

Click on the Download/Get button to download the app on your smartphone. The download process may take 2-5 minutes depending on your network speed.

Step 2: How to install Parlor App

Once you download the app, it will automatically install on your smartphone. Parlor is a lightweight app, meaning that the installation process will only take a few seconds. Soon after the installation process is completed, you can press the app icon from your home screen and use it.

Step 3: How to Get Started Using the Parlor App

The usage scenario of the app is also simple. Once you launch the app, you will be redirected to the main home screen from which you can select from a variety of different topics. This includes:

  • #AMA - Ask Me Anything
  • Dating
  • Hello
  • In my 20’s
  • Over 30
  • Random
  • Trending
  • Celebrity
  • Music
  • Debate
  • Advice
  • Freestyle
  • Religion
  • Games
  • Fantasy

Once you select a topic, the app will then connect you to the person who has clicked the same topic at that time. After this, it all relies on your social communication skills. Remember, Parlor does not tolerate hate or vulgarity and will automatically ban you if multiple people report your account.


Making friends on Parlor is more like an on-going communication skill game that you’ll need to master over time rather than a one-time gig. Once you’re connected to a person, the next step relies on your communication and how you interact with them.

Once you’ve successfully chatted with a person, you can send them a friend request which appears on the friend’s tab. You can setup your favourites here and message your friends directly in order to quickly open the Messages tab.


This is the place where you’ll message your friends that have accepted your request. The messages interface is quite straightforward with a deliberately limited set of functionalities. You can send text-based messages, photos, and even short videos to people who you have marked as friends within the app.

You can also make phone calls to this set of friends, or send them credit gifts which they can use to unlock premium features. The video call feature is not available as of now.


The history tab features all the recent chats, direct calls, and gifts that you’ve sent. ‘Gifts’ within the app function a lot like in-app purchases within any app; they can be used to remove ads from the app which is something that is likely to be of interest given how Parlor relies heavily on Ad revenues and hence bombards users with plenty of display ads. Alternatively, if you’re not feeling so generous, you can accumulate an estimated 3000 Points from in-app activities in order to enjoy a 1-year ads-free experience.

The menu tab features all your basic account settings such as your Profile, ability to Link Social Accounts, Password, and support. One thing we really like about Parlor is that it tries to match you with your opposite gender. Of course, you can change this in the App menu settings, but every time we’ve tested it, we were matched with the opposite gender.

Parlor App Overview

Parlor is a free social media app available on iOS and Android App stores. The initial idea of the app was to connect people from different places around the globe and engage them with each other based on their interests.

Because the app has an active community of more than 1 million installs, it only takes a few seconds to find someone with a similar interest to chat to. Once you find your perfect match, you can ask them to be your friend and send them direct messages.

The developers of Parlor would rather market the app as a social media app, but it’s obviously more like a dating app such as Tinder or Bumble. However, unlike the tinder app, it’s filled with third-party ads and sometimes the matchmaking process can take a long time due to it having a smaller user base than the most popular apps in the chat category.

Also, from time to time, the person you’re connected with based on the topic feels like a bot rather than a real person. This is especially true if you’re using this app outside the US because most of the active users of Parlor are based in the US.

Final Verdict

Parlor is definitely a good app if you have plenty of free time or if you’re looking for a real person to talk with you. Unlike other dating and chat apps, Parlor has an active community with thousands of members using the app every day.

You’ll know doubt be connected to a bot at some point and that’s something we’d like to see improved. However, the more people who choose the same topic you’ve picked, the better the match-making process, so in the meantime try to get creative with your interests. We’ve found out that the most real-person connections are in the trending and Ask me anything topic, so if you’re looking for casual chats, hit up that area first.

Apart from this, the rest of the app interface is simple and there’s not much going on under the hood. If you can bear with the free ads, Parlor is a fun app to try.

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